=head1 NAME
-Collectd::Unixsock - Abstraction layer for accessing the functionality by collectd's unixsock plugin.
+Collectd::Unixsock - Abstraction layer for accessing the functionality by
+collectd's unixsock plugin.
use strict;
use warnings;
+#use constant { NOTIF_FAILURE => 1, NOTIF_WARNING => 2, NOTIF_OKAY => 4 };
use Carp (qw(cluck confess));
use IO::Socket::UNIX;
use Regexp::Common (qw(number));
return ($ret);
} # getval
-=item I<$obj>-E<gt>B<putval> (I<%identifier>, B<time> => I<$time>, B<values> => [...]);
+=item I<$obj>-E<gt>B<putval> (I<%identifier>, B<time> =E<gt> I<$time>, B<values> =E<gt> [...]);
Submits a value-list to the daemon. If the B<time> argument is omitted
C<time()> is used. The requierd argument B<values> is a reference to an array
return (@ret);
} # listval
+=item I<$res> = I<$obj>-E<gt>B<putnotif> (B<severity> =E<gt> I<$severity>, B<message> =E<gt> I<$message>, ...);
+Submits a notification to the daemon.
+Valid options are:
+=over 4
+=item B<severity>
+Sets the severity of the notification. The value must be one of the following
+strings: C<failure>, C<warning>, or C<okay>. Case does not matter. This option
+is mandatory.
+=item B<message>
+Sets the message of the notification. This option is mandatory.
+=item B<time>
+Sets the time. If omitted, C<time()> is used.
+=item I<Value identifier>
+All the other fields of the value identifiers, B<host>, B<plugin>,
+B<plugin_instance>, B<type>, and B<type_instance>, are optional. When given,
+the notification is associated with the performance data of that identifier.
+For more details, please see L<collectd-unixsock(5)>.
+sub putnotif
+ my $obj = shift;
+ my %args = @_;
+ my $status;
+ my $fh = $obj->{'sock'} or confess;
+ my $msg; # message sent to the socket
+ my $opt_msg; # message of the notification
+ if (!$args{'message'})
+ {
+ cluck ("Need argument `message'");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!$args{'severity'})
+ {
+ cluck ("Need argument `severity'");
+ return;
+ }
+ $args{'severity'} = lc ($args{'severity'});
+ if (($args{'severity'} ne 'failure')
+ && ($args{'severity'} ne 'warning')
+ && ($args{'severity'} ne 'okay'))
+ {
+ cluck ("Invalid `severity: " . $args{'severity'});
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!$args{'time'})
+ {
+ $args{'time'} = time ();
+ }
+ $opt_msg = $args{'message'};
+ delete ($args{'message'});
+ $msg = 'PUTNOTIF '
+ . join (' ', map { $_ . '=' . $args{$_} } (keys %args))
+ . " message=$opt_msg\n";
+ send ($fh, $msg, 0) or confess ("send: $!");
+ $msg = undef;
+ recv ($fh, $msg, 1024, 0) or confess ("recv: $!");
+ ($status, $msg) = split (' ', $msg, 2);
+ return (1) if ($status == 0);
+ $obj->{'error'} = $msg;
+ return;
+} # putnotif
=item I<$obj>-E<gt>destroy ();
Closes the socket before the object is destroyed. This function is also
$obj->destroy ();
+=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHOR
Florian octo Forster E<lt>octo@verplant.orgE<gt>