// [Christoph] TODO: Yes, this method also takes care of the actual disk I/O. Split it?
- SDL_Surface *shot_surf;
- shot_surf = SDL_GetVideoSurface();
- shot_surf->refcount++;
+ SDL_Surface *screen = SDL_GetVideoSurface();
// save screenshot
static const std::string writeDir = PHYSFS_getWriteDir();
std::string fileName = oss.str();
fullFilename = writeDir + dirSep + fileName;
if (!PHYSFS_exists(fileName.c_str())) {
- SDL_SaveBMP(shot_surf, fullFilename.c_str());
+ SDL_SaveBMP(screen, fullFilename.c_str());
log_debug << "Wrote screenshot to \"" << fullFilename << "\"" << std::endl;
- SDL_FreeSurface(shot_surf);
log_warning << "Did not save screenshot, because all files up to \"" << fullFilename << "\" already existed" << std::endl;
- SDL_FreeSurface(shot_surf);