double value;
static int sockfd = -1;
- static unsigned int complain = 0;
+ static complain_t compl;
# define PRINT_VALUE(name, val) printf(" Found property: name = %s; value = %f;\n", name, val)
if ((sockfd = net_open (host, NULL, port)) < 0)
- /* Complain once every six hours. */
- int complain_step = 21600 / atoi (COLLECTD_STEP);
- if ((complain % complain_step) == 0)
- syslog (LOG_ERR, "apcups plugin: Connecting to the apcupsd failed.");
- complain++;
+ plugin_complain (LOG_ERR, &compl, "apcups plugin: "
+ "Connecting to the apcupsd failed.");
return (-1);
- else if (complain > 1)
+ else
- syslog (LOG_NOTICE, "apcups plugin: Connection re-established to the apcupsd.");
- complain = 0;
+ plugin_relief (LOG_NOTICE, &compl, "apcups plugin: "
+ "Connection re-established to the apcupsd.");