\path[edge] (8,0) -- (8,9) node at ++(0,.5em) {$v_0$};
\draw[fill=white] (0.75,6) rectangle (4.25,8);
-\path[draw,-,color=red,fill=red!10] (1,6.25) -- (4,7.75) -- (4,6.25) -- cycle;
+%\path[draw,-,color=red,fill=red!10] (1,6.25) -- (4,7.75) -- (4,6.25) -- cycle;
+\path[red box] (1,6.25) -- (4,7.75) -- (4,6.25) -- cycle;
\draw[fill=white] (4.75,6) rectangle (8.25,8);
-\path[draw,-,color=blue,fill=blue!10] (8,6.25) -- (8,7.75) -- (5,6.25) -- cycle;
+%\path[draw,-,color=blue,fill=blue!10] (8,6.25) -- (8,7.75) -- (5,6.25) -- cycle;
+\path[blue box] (8,6.25) -- (8,7.75) -- (5,6.25) -- cycle;
\node[vertex] (v0) at (1,5) {};
\node[vertex] (v4) at (8,5) {};
\path[comp] (v3) -- (v7);
\draw[fill=white] (0.75,1) rectangle (4.25,3);
-\path[draw,-,color=red,fill=red!10] (1,1.25) -- (2.4,1.25) -- (2.4,1.95) -- cycle;
-\path[draw,-,color=blue,fill=blue!10] (2.6,1.95) -- (4,1.25) -- (2.6,1.25) -- cycle;
+\path[red box] (1,1.25) -- (2.4,1.25) -- (2.4,1.95) -- cycle;
+\path[blue box] (2.6,1.95) -- (4,1.25) -- (2.6,1.25) -- cycle;
\draw[fill=white] (4.75,1) rectangle (8.25,3);
-\path[draw,-,color=red,fill=red!10] (5,2.75) -- (6.4,1.95) -- (6.4,1.25) -- (5,1.25) -- cycle;
-\path[draw,-,color=blue,fill=blue!10] (6.6,1.95) -- (8,2.75) -- (8,1.25) -- (6.6,1.25) -- cycle;
+\path[red box] (5,2.75) -- (6.4,1.95) -- (6.4,1.25) -- (5,1.25) -- cycle;
+\path[blue box] (6.6,1.95) -- (8,2.75) -- (8,1.25) -- (6.6,1.25) -- cycle;
\path[edge] (8,0) -- (8,9) node at ++(0,.5em) {$v_3$};
\draw[fill=white] (0.75,6) rectangle (4.25,8);
-\path[draw,-,color=red,fill=red!10] (1,6.25) -- (4,7.75) -- (4,6.25) -- cycle;
+\path[red box] (1,6.25) -- (4,7.75) -- (4,6.25) -- cycle;
\draw[fill=white] (4.75,6) rectangle (8.25,8);
-\path[draw,-,color=blue,fill=blue!10] (8,6.25) -- (5,7.75) -- (5,6.25) -- cycle;
+\path[blue box] (8,6.25) -- (5,7.75) -- (5,6.25) -- cycle;
\node[vertex] (v0) at (1,5) {};
\node[vertex] (v4) at (5,5) {};
\path[comp] (v3) -- (v7);
\draw[fill=white] (0.75,1) rectangle (4.25,3);
-\path[draw,-,color=red,fill=red!10] (1,1.25) -- (2.4,1.25) -- (2.4,1.95) -- cycle;
-\path[draw,-,color=blue,fill=blue!10] (2.6,1.95) -- (4,1.25) -- (2.6,1.25) -- cycle;
+\path[red box] (1,1.25) -- (2.4,1.25) -- (2.4,1.95) -- cycle;
+\path[blue box] (2.6,1.95) -- (4,1.25) -- (2.6,1.25) -- cycle;
\draw[fill=white] (4.75,1) rectangle (8.25,3);
-\path[draw,-,color=blue,fill=blue!10] (5,2.75) -- (6.4,1.95) -- (6.4,1.25) -- (5,1.25) -- cycle;
-\path[draw,-,color=red,fill=red!10] (6.6,1.95) -- (8,2.75) -- (8,1.25) -- (6.6,1.25) -- cycle;
+\path[blue box] (5,2.75) -- (6.4,1.95) -- (6.4,1.25) -- (5,1.25) -- cycle;
+\path[red box] (6.6,1.95) -- (8,2.75) -- (8,1.25) -- (6.6,1.25) -- cycle;
-%\draw[fill=red!10] (0,1) rectangle (3,2);
-%\draw[fill=red!10] (.5,0) rectangle (1.5,1);
-%\draw[fill=blue!10] (0,3) rectangle (1,4);
-%\draw[fill=blue!10] (1,1) rectangle (2,4);
-% Grid
-%\path[draw,-] (0 ,2) -- (4 ,2);
-%\path[draw,-] (0 ,1) -- (4.5,1);
-%\path[draw,-] (.5,0) -- (4.5,0);
% Space between nodes
% Amount even boxes are raised
-% Space between `subpictures'
+\pgfmathsetmacro{\totalheight}{4 + \offsety} % Height of one sub-picture.
-\pgfmathsetmacro{\subpicheight}{4 + \offsety} % Height of one sub-picture.
+% Lines
+\foreach \x in {0, ..., 7}
+ \draw[edge] (\spacingx * \x, 0) -- (\spacingx * \x, \totalheight);
-\foreach \curzdiff in {0, 1, 2}
+% Even zero nodes
+\foreach \x in {0, ..., \lastzeroindex}
- \pgfmathsetmacro{\basey}{(\subpicheight + \spacingy) * (2 - \curzdiff)}
- \pgfmathsetmacro{\lastzeroindex}{\curzdiff}
- \pgfmathsetmacro{\firstoneindex}{\curzdiff+1}
- % Lines
- \foreach \x in {0, ..., 7}
- \draw[edge] (\spacingx * \x, \basey) -- (\spacingx * \x, \basey + \subpicheight);
- \draw (8 * \spacingx, \basey + + \subpicheight) node[below] {Differenz: \curzdiff};
+ \draw[red box] (2 * \spacingx * \x - .5, 2 + \offsety) rectangle +(1,1);
+ \draw (2 * \spacingx * \x, 2.5 + \offsety) node {$0$};
- % Even zero nodes
- \foreach \x in {0, ..., \lastzeroindex}
- {
- \draw[red box] (2 * \spacingx * \x - .5, \basey + 2 + \offsety) rectangle +(1,1);
- \draw (2 * \spacingx * \x, \basey + 2.5 + \offsety) node {$0$};
- }
- % Even one nodes
- \foreach \x in {\firstoneindex, ..., 3}
- {
- \draw[blue box] (2 * \spacingx * \x - .5, \basey + 2 + \offsety) rectangle +(1,1);
- \draw (2 * \spacingx * \x, \basey + 2.5 + \offsety) node {$1$};
- }
+% Even one nodes
+\foreach \x in {\firstoneindex, ..., 3}
+ \draw[blue box] (2 * \spacingx * \x - .5, 2 + \offsety) rectangle +(1,1);
+ \draw (2 * \spacingx * \x, 2.5 + \offsety) node {$1$};
- % Odd zero nodes
- \foreach \x in {0, ..., 0}
- {
- \draw[red box] (\spacingx + 2 * \spacingx * \x - .5, \basey + 2) rectangle +(1,1);
- \draw (\spacingx + 2 * \spacingx * \x, \basey + 2.5) node {$0$};
- }
- % Odd one nodes
- \foreach \x in {1, ..., 3}
- {
- \draw[blue box] (\spacingx + 2 * \spacingx * \x - .5, \basey + 2) rectangle +(1,1);
- \draw (\spacingx + 2 * \spacingx * \x, \basey + 2.5) node {$1$};
- }
+% Odd zero nodes
+\foreach \x in {0, ..., 0}
+ \draw[red box] (\spacingx + 2 * \spacingx * \x - .5, 2) rectangle +(1,1);
+ \draw (\spacingx + 2 * \spacingx * \x, 2.5) node {$0$};
- \foreach \x in {0, ..., 2}
- \draw[comp] ( \spacingx + 2 * \spacingx * \x, \basey + 1) node[vertex] {}
- -- (2 * \spacingx + 2 * \spacingx * \x, \basey + 1) node[vertex] {};
+% Odd one nodes
+\foreach \x in {1, ..., 3}
+ \draw[blue box] (\spacingx + 2 * \spacingx * \x - .5, 2) rectangle +(1,1);
+ \draw (\spacingx + 2 * \spacingx * \x, 2.5) node {$1$};
-%\foreach \x in {0, ..., 3}
-% \draw ( \spacingx * \x + .5, -.15) node {$u_\x$};
-%\foreach \x in {0, ..., 3}
-% \draw (\spacingx + \spacingx * \x + .5, -.15) node {$v_\x$};
+% Comparators
+\foreach \x in {0, ..., 2}
+ \draw[comp] ( \spacingx + 2 * \spacingx * \x, 1) node[vertex] {}
+ -- (2 * \spacingx + 2 * \spacingx * \x, 1) node[vertex] {};