--- /dev/null
+SuperTux Coding Standards
+* proper separation between generic engine code and game specific code
+ should be done whenever feasible
+* the path in #include directives must not contain "..", all paths
+ must be relative to the src/ directory
+* external libraries are not allowed in src/, they go to external/
+* do not use raw pointer and new/delete, use auto_ptr<> instead
+* properly separate data members and member functions, don't mix them
+ in the same public/private/protected section
+* conditional includes should be indended:
+#ifdef FOOBAR
+# include "foobar.hpp"
+* include guards are of the form:
+* use one file per class
+* write namespaces like: "namespace NameSpace {", no newline before the '{', finish them with:
+ "} // namespace Namespace"
+* compile with the maximum warning level and with -Werror:
+ -Werror -ansi -pedantic -Wall -Wextra -Wnon-virtual-dtor -Weffc++
+ -Wcast-qual -Winit-self -Wno-unused-parameter
+ possible additional flags for the future: -Wconversion -Wshadow
+* write doxygen comments as:
+ /** This is a comment */
+ do not use /**< and other styles of comments
+* more info on good practices can be found at:
+ http://google-styleguide.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/cppguide.xml
+# EOF #
Coding Standard
-* no external libraries in src/, they go to external/
-* proper separation between engine and game specific code (especially
- sound and video handling)
-* normalize #include directives (all refer to top level dir)
* use SCons instead of CMake
* make code clean: "-O2", "-g3",
* do not use raw pointer, especially not for Sprite and Surface
-* properly separate data members and member functions, don't mix them
- in the same section
-* write namespaces like: "namespace NameSpace {", no newline before the {
* only do one variable initialization per line, not multiple as its
currently often done in initialization list
-* conditional includes should be indended (makes it easier to handle
- in include optimization):
-#ifdef FOOBAR
-# include "foobar.hpp"
* remove overuse of multi-inheritance
* remove overuse of friend'ship
* check the code with Valgrind
-* cleanup doxygen comments, use /** */, nothing else
* static vs anonymous namespace
* use Vector in Physics for 'a' and 'v'
* move bugtracker to http://code.google.com (much simpler, less useless)
+* convert worldmap from const lisp::Lisp* lisp to "const Reader&"
+* having dictionary_manager in Lisp is extremely ugly
+* enforce proper naming of files to match their class
+* get rid of DEBUG and conditional compilation, these should be
+ reserved for a few tiny cases, not spread all over the code
+* split particlesystem_interactive
+* centralize menus
+* make a proper class out of supertux/resources.hpp
# EOF #