See the section "DATA TYPES" above for a complete documentation of the data
types used by the read and write functions.
-=head1 BUGS
+=head1 CAVEATS
-This plugin does not yet work correctly if collectd uses multiple threads.
-Perl does not allow multiple threads to access a single interpreter at the
-same time. As a temporary workaround you should use a single read thread only
-(see collectd's B<ReadThread> configuration option).
+=over 4
+collectd is heavily multi-threaded. Each collectd thread accessing the perl
+plugin will be mapped to a Perl interpreter thread (see L<threads(3perl)>).
+Any such thread will be created and destroyed transparently and on-the-fly.
+Hence, any plugin has to be thread-safe if it provides several entry points
+from collectd (i.E<nbsp>e. if it registers more than one callback). Please
+note that no data is shared between threads by default. You have to use the
+B<threads::shared> module to do so.
+Each function name registered with collectd has to be available before the
+first thread has been created (i.E<nbsp>e. basically at compile time). This
+basically means that hacks (yes, I really consider this to be a hack) like
+C<*foo = \&bar; plugin_register (TYPE_READ, "plugin", "foo");> most likely
+will not work. This is due to the fact that the symbol table is not shared
+across different threads.
+Each plugin is usually only loaded once and kept in memory for performance
+reasons. Therefore, END blocks are only executed once when collectd shuts
+down. You should not rely on END blocks anyway - use B<shutdown functions>
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHOR