nv_errline = #f; \
goto catch; \
+#define TRY_CATCH_OPTIONAL(f, catch) \
+ if ((nv_status = f) != NVML_SUCCESS && \
+ nv_status != NVML_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED) { \
+ nv_errline = #f; \
+ goto catch; \
+ }
#define TRY(f) TRY_CATCH(f, catch)
+#define TRYOPT(f) TRY_CATCH_OPTIONAL(f, catch)
#define WRAPGAUGE(x) ((value_t){.gauge = (gauge_t)(x)})
static const char *config_keys[] = {
static const unsigned int n_config_keys = STATIC_ARRAY_SIZE(config_keys);
+// This is a bitflag, necessitating the (extremely conservative) assumption
+// that there are no more than 64 GPUs on this system.
static uint64_t conf_match_mask = 0;
static bool conf_mask_is_exclude = 0;
device_count = 64;
- nvmlDevice_t dev;
- char dev_name[MAX_DEVNAME_LEN + 1];
- unsigned int fan_speed;
- nvmlUtilization_t utilization;
- nvmlMemory_t meminfo;
- unsigned int core_temp;
for (int ix = 0; ix < device_count; ix++) {
int is_match = ((1 << ix) & conf_match_mask) || (conf_match_mask == 0);
+ nvmlDevice_t dev;
TRY(nvmlDeviceGetHandleByIndex(ix, &dev));
+ char dev_name[MAX_DEVNAME_LEN + 1];
dev_name[0] = '\0';
TRY(nvmlDeviceGetName(dev, dev_name, MAX_DEVNAME_LEN));
- TRY(nvmlDeviceGetMemoryInfo(dev, &meminfo))
- TRY(nvmlDeviceGetUtilizationRates(dev, &utilization))
- TRY(nvmlDeviceGetFanSpeed(dev, &fan_speed))
- TRY(nvmlDeviceGetTemperature(dev, NVML_TEMPERATURE_GPU, &core_temp))
+ // Try to be as lenient as possible with the variety of devices that are
+ // out there, ignoring any NOT_SUPPORTED errors gently.
+ nvmlMemory_t meminfo;
+ TRYOPT(nvmlDeviceGetMemoryInfo(dev, &meminfo))
+ if (nv_status == NVML_SUCCESS) {
+ double pct_mem_used = 100. * (double)meminfo.used / meminfo.total;
+ nvml_submit(dev_name, "percent", "mem_used", WRAPGAUGE(pct_mem_used));
+ }
+ nvmlUtilization_t utilization;
+ TRYOPT(nvmlDeviceGetUtilizationRates(dev, &utilization))
+ if (nv_status == NVML_SUCCESS)
+ nvml_submit(dev_name, "percent", "gpu_used", WRAPGAUGE(utilization.gpu));
+ unsigned int fan_speed;
+ TRYOPT(nvmlDeviceGetFanSpeed(dev, &fan_speed))
+ if (nv_status == NVML_SUCCESS)
+ nvml_submit(dev_name, "fanspeed", NULL, WRAPGAUGE(fan_speed));
+ unsigned int core_temp;
+ TRYOPT(nvmlDeviceGetTemperature(dev, NVML_TEMPERATURE_GPU, &core_temp))
+ if (nv_status == NVML_SUCCESS)
+ nvml_submit(dev_name, "temperature", "core", WRAPGAUGE(core_temp));
+ unsigned int sm_clk_mhz;
+ TRYOPT(nvmlDeviceGetClockInfo(dev, NVML_CLOCK_SM, &sm_clk_mhz))
+ if (nv_status == NVML_SUCCESS)
+ nvml_submit(dev_name, "frequency", "sm", WRAPGAUGE(1e6 * sm_clk_mhz));
+ unsigned int mem_clk_mhz;
+ TRYOPT(nvmlDeviceGetClockInfo(dev, NVML_CLOCK_MEM, &mem_clk_mhz))
+ if (nv_status == NVML_SUCCESS)
+ nvml_submit(dev_name, "frequency", "mem", WRAPGAUGE(1e6 * mem_clk_mhz));
- double pct_mem_used = 100. * (double)meminfo.used / meminfo.total;
+ unsigned int power_mW;
+ TRYOPT(nvmlDeviceGetPowerUsage(dev, &power_mW))
+ if (nv_status == NVML_SUCCESS)
+ nvml_submit(dev_name, "power", NULL, WRAPGAUGE(1e-3 * power_mW));
- nvml_submit(dev_name, "percent", "GPU", WRAPGAUGE(pct_mem_used));
- nvml_submit(dev_name, "percent", "GPU", WRAPGAUGE(utilization.gpu));
- nvml_submit(dev_name, "fanspeed", "GPU", WRAPGAUGE(fan_speed));
- nvml_submit(dev_name, "temperature", "GPU", WRAPGAUGE(core_temp));
- catch : WARNING("NVML call \"%s\" failed with code %d!", nv_errline,
- nv_status);
+ // Failures here indicate transient errors or removal of GPU. In either
+ // case it will either be resolved or the GPU will no longer be enumerated
+ // the next time round.
+ catch : WARNING("NVML call \"%s\" failed with code %d on dev at index %d!",
+ nv_errline, nv_status, ix);
return 0;
+ // Failures here indicate serious misconfiguration; we bail out totally.
ERROR("Failed to enumerate NVIDIA GPUs (\"%s\" returned %d)", nv_errline,