if (random_timeout == 0)
return (0);
- /* Assure that "cache_timeout + random_variation" is never negative. */
- if (random_timeout > cache_timeout) {
- INFO("rrdtool plugin: Adjusting \"RandomTimeout\" to %.3f seconds.",
- CDTIME_T_TO_DOUBLE(cache_timeout));
- random_timeout = cache_timeout;
- }
return (int64_t)cdrand_range(-random_timeout, random_timeout);
} /* int64_t rrd_get_random_variation */
cache_flush_last = cdtime();
if (cache_timeout == 0) {
+ random_timeout = 0;
cache_flush_timeout = 0;
} else if (cache_flush_timeout < cache_timeout) {
INFO("rrdtool plugin: \"CacheFlush %u\" is less than \"CacheTimeout %u\". "
cache_flush_timeout = 10 * cache_timeout;
+ /* Assure that "cache_timeout + random_variation" is never negative. */
+ if (random_timeout > cache_timeout) {
+ INFO("rrdtool plugin: Adjusting \"RandomTimeout\" to %.3f seconds.",
+ CDTIME_T_TO_DOUBLE(cache_timeout));
+ random_timeout = cache_timeout;
+ }
status = plugin_thread_create(&queue_thread, /* attr = */ NULL,