- * Base class for all game objects. This contains functions for:
- * -querying the actual type of the object
- * -a flag that indicates if the object wants to be removed. Objects with this
- * flag will be removed at the end of each frame. This is alot safer than
- * having some uncontrollable "delete this" in the code.
- * -an action function that is called once per frame and allows the object to
- * update it's state.
- *
- * Most GameObjects will also implement the DrawableObject interface so that
- * they can actually be drawn on screen.
+ * This is a base class for all game objects. Each sector of a level will hold a
+ * list of active GameObject while the game is played.
+ *
+ * This class is responsible for:
+ * - Updating and Drawing the object. This should happen in the update() and
+ * draw() functions. Both are called once per frame.
+ * - Providing a safe way to remove the object by calling the remove_me
+ * functions.
+ * - a 32bit bitset for flags...