/** * collectd - src/liboconfig/parser.y * Copyright (C) 2007,2008 Florian Forster * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * * Authors: * Florian Forster */ %{ #include #include #include "oconfig.h" #include "aux_types.h" static char *unquote (const char *orig); static int yyerror (const char *s); /* Lexer variables */ extern int yylineno; extern char *yytext; extern int yylex (void); extern oconfig_item_t *ci_root; extern char *c_file; %} %start entire_file %union { double number; int boolean; char *string; oconfig_value_t cv; oconfig_item_t ci; argument_list_t al; statement_list_t sl; } %token NUMBER %token BTRUE BFALSE %token QUOTED_STRING UNQUOTED_STRING %token SLASH OPENBRAC CLOSEBRAC EOL %type string %type identifier /* arguments */ %type argument %type argument_list /* blocks */ %type block_begin %type block %type block_end /* statements */ %type option %type statement %type statement_list %type entire_file /* pass an verbose, specific error message to yyerror() */ %error-verbose %% string: QUOTED_STRING {$$ = unquote ($1);} | UNQUOTED_STRING {$$ = strdup ($1);} ; argument: NUMBER {$$.value.number = $1; $$.type = OCONFIG_TYPE_NUMBER;} | BTRUE {$$.value.boolean = 1; $$.type = OCONFIG_TYPE_BOOLEAN;} | BFALSE {$$.value.boolean = 0; $$.type = OCONFIG_TYPE_BOOLEAN;} | string {$$.value.string = $1; $$.type = OCONFIG_TYPE_STRING;} ; argument_list: argument_list argument { $$ = $1; oconfig_value_t *tmp = realloc($$.argument, ($$.argument_num+1) * sizeof(*$$.argument)); if (tmp == NULL) { yyerror("realloc failed"); YYERROR; } $$.argument = tmp; $$.argument[$$.argument_num] = $2; $$.argument_num++; } | argument { $$.argument = calloc(1, sizeof(*$$.argument)); if ($$.argument == NULL) { yyerror("calloc failed"); YYERROR; } $$.argument[0] = $1; $$.argument_num = 1; } ; identifier: UNQUOTED_STRING {$$ = strdup ($1);} ; option: identifier argument_list EOL { memset (&$$, '\0', sizeof ($$)); $$.key = $1; $$.values = $2.argument; $$.values_num = $2.argument_num; } ; block_begin: OPENBRAC identifier CLOSEBRAC EOL { memset (&$$, '\0', sizeof ($$)); $$.key = $2; } | OPENBRAC identifier argument_list CLOSEBRAC EOL { memset (&$$, '\0', sizeof ($$)); $$.key = $2; $$.values = $3.argument; $$.values_num = $3.argument_num; } ; block_end: OPENBRAC SLASH identifier CLOSEBRAC EOL { $$ = $3; } ; block: block_begin statement_list block_end { if (strcmp ($1.key, $3) != 0) { printf ("block_begin = %s; block_end = %s;\n", $1.key, $3); yyerror ("Block not closed..\n"); exit (1); } free ($3); $3 = NULL; $$ = $1; $$.children = $2.statement; $$.children_num = $2.statement_num; } | block_begin block_end { if (strcmp ($1.key, $2) != 0) { printf ("block_begin = %s; block_end = %s;\n", $1.key, $2); yyerror ("Block not closed..\n"); exit (1); } free ($2); $2 = NULL; $$ = $1; $$.children = NULL; $$.children_num = 0; } ; statement: option {$$ = $1;} | block {$$ = $1;} | EOL {$$.values_num = 0;} ; statement_list: statement_list statement { $$ = $1; if (($2.values_num > 0) || ($2.children_num > 0)) { oconfig_item_t *tmp = realloc($$.statement, ($$.statement_num+1) * sizeof(*tmp)); if (tmp == NULL) { yyerror("realloc failed"); YYERROR; } $$.statement = tmp; $$.statement[$$.statement_num] = $2; $$.statement_num++; } } | statement { if (($1.values_num > 0) || ($1.children_num > 0)) { $$.statement = calloc(1, sizeof(*$$.statement)); if ($$.statement == NULL) { yyerror("calloc failed"); YYERROR; } $$.statement[0] = $1; $$.statement_num = 1; } else { $$.statement = NULL; $$.statement_num = 0; } } ; entire_file: statement_list { ci_root = calloc(1, sizeof(*ci_root)); if (ci_root == NULL) { yyerror("calloc failed"); YYERROR; } ci_root->children = $1.statement; ci_root->children_num = $1.statement_num; } | /* epsilon */ { ci_root = calloc(1, sizeof(*ci_root)); if (ci_root == NULL) { yyerror("calloc failed"); YYERROR; } } ; %% static int yyerror (const char *s) { const char *text; if (*yytext == '\n') text = ""; else text = yytext; fprintf (stderr, "Parse error in file `%s', line %i near `%s': %s\n", c_file, yylineno, text, s); return (-1); } /* int yyerror */ static char *unquote (const char *orig) { char *ret = strdup (orig); int len; if (ret == NULL) return (NULL); len = strlen (ret); if ((len < 2) || (ret[0] != '"') || (ret[len - 1] != '"')) return (ret); len -= 2; memmove (ret, ret + 1, len); ret[len] = '\0'; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (ret[i] == '\\') { memmove (ret + i, ret + (i + 1), len - i); len--; } } return (ret); } /* char *unquote */