SubDir TOP src ; SubInclude TOP src squirrel ; SubInclude TOP src scripting ; #------------------------ # SuperTux ARCHIVE FILES: #------------------------ # the following keeps the .o files after an archive file (.a) is created NOARUPDATE = true ; for i in audio badguy control gui lisp math object physfs sprite tinygettext trigger video worldmap { sources = [ Wildcard $(i) : *.cpp *.hpp ] ; Library $(i) : $(sources) : noinstall ; TRANSLATABLE_SOURCES += [ SearchSource $(sources) ] ; } ExternalLibs audio badguy control gui lisp math object physfs sprite tinygettext trigger video worldmap : SDL SDLIMAGE GL OPENAL VORBIS VORBISFILE OGG ICONV PHYSFS BINRELOC ; IncludeDir audio badguy control gui lisp math object physfs sprite tinygettext trigger video worldmap : squirrel/include squirrel ; #---------------------- # SuperTux Application: #---------------------- sources = [ Wildcard *.cpp *.hpp ] ; TRANSLATABLE_SOURCES += [ SearchSource $(sources) ] ; Application supertux : $(sources) $(wrapper_objects) ; C++Flags supertux : -DAPPDATADIR='\"$(appdatadir)\"' ; LinkWith supertux : squirrel ; ExternalLibs supertux : SDL SDLIMAGE GL OPENAL VORBIS VORBISFILE OGG ICONV PHYSFS BINRELOC ; Help supertux : "Build the supertux executable" ; IncludeDir supertux : squirrel/include squirrel ; LinkWithWholeArchive supertux : audio badguy control gui lisp math object physfs sprite tinygettext trigger video worldmap ;