=head1 NAME rrdxport - Export data in XML format based on data from one or several RRD =head1 SYNOPSIS B B S<[B<-s>|B<--start> I]> S<[B<-e>|B<--end> I]> S<[B<-m>|B<--maxrows> I]> S<[B<--step> I]> S<[BIB<=>IB<:>IB<:>I]> S<[BIB<=>I]> S<[BB<:>I[B<:>I]]> =head1 DESCRIPTION The B function's main purpose is to write an XML formatted representation of the data stored in one or several Bs. It can also extract numerical reports. If no I statements are found, there will be no output. =over =item B<-s>|B<--start> I (default end-1day) The time when the exported range should begin. Time in seconds since epoch (1970-01-01) is required. Negative numbers are relative to the current time. By default one day worth of data will be printed. See also AT-STYLE TIME SPECIFICATION section in the I documentation for a detailed explanation on how to specify time. =item B<-e>|B<--end> I (default now) The time when the exported range should end. Time in seconds since epoch. See also AT-STYLE TIME SPECIFICATION section in the I documentation for a detailed explanation of ways to specify time. =item B<-m>|B<--maxrows> I (default 400 rows) This works like the B<-w>|B<--width> parameter of I. In fact it is exactly the same, but the parameter was renamed to describe its purpose in this module. See I documentation for details. =item B<--step> I (default automatic) See L documentation. =item B<--enumds> The generated xml should contain the data values in enumerated tags. valval =item B<--unknwonaszero> Turn UNKNWON into '0' on output. =item BIB<=>IB<:>IB<:>I See I documentation. =item BIB<=>I See I documentation. =item BIB<:>B<:>I At least one I statement should be present. The values referenced by I are printed. Optionally add a legend. =back =head1 Output format The output is enclosed in an B element and contains two blocks. The first block is enclosed by a B element and contains some meta data. The second block is enclosed by a B element and contains the data rows. Let's assume that the I command looks like this: rrdtool xport \ --start now-1h --end now \ DEF:xx=host-inout.lo.rrd:output:AVERAGE \ DEF:yy=host-inout.lo.rrd:input:AVERAGE \ CDEF:aa=xx,yy,+,8,* \ XPORT:xx:"out bytes" \ XPORT:aa:"in and out bits" The resulting meta data section is (the values will depend on the RRD characteristics): 1020611700 300 1020615600 14 2 out bytes in and out bits The resulting data section is: 10206117003.4000000000e+005.4400000000e+01 10206120003.4000000000e+005.4400000000e+01 10206123003.4000000000e+005.4400000000e+01 10206126003.4113333333e+005.4581333333e+01 10206129003.4000000000e+005.4400000000e+01 10206132003.4000000000e+005.4400000000e+01 10206135003.4000000000e+005.4400000000e+01 10206138003.4000000000e+005.4400000000e+01 10206141003.4000000000e+005.4400000000e+01 10206144003.4000000000e+005.4400000000e+01 10206147003.7333333333e+005.9733333333e+01 10206150003.4000000000e+005.4400000000e+01 10206153003.4000000000e+005.4400000000e+01 1020615600NaNNaN =head1 EXAMPLE 1 rrdtool xport \ DEF:out=if1-inouts.rrd:outoctets:AVERAGE \ XPORT:out:"out bytes" =head1 EXAMPLE 2 rrdtool xport \ DEF:out1=if1-inouts.rrd:outoctets:AVERAGE \ DEF:out2=if2-inouts.rrd:outoctets:AVERAGE \ CDEF:sum=out1,out2,+ \ XPORT:out1:"if1 out bytes" \ XPORT:out2:"if2 out bytes" \ XPORT:sum:"output sum" =head1 AUTHOR Tobias Oetiker Etobi@oetiker.chE