msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: SuperTux 0.2\n" "POT-Creation-Date: \n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2005-12-31 13:33+0100\n" "Last-Translator: Ondřej Hošek \n" "Language-Team: Czech\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "X-Poedit-Language: Czech\n" "X-Poedit-Country: CZECH REPUBLIC\n" #: data/levels/world2/dfk-level2.stl:4 msgid "Dark Forest Keep - The Evil Chamber" msgstr "Hrad v Tmavém Lese - Komnata zla" #: data/levels/world2/dfk-level3.stl:4 msgid "Dark Forest Keep - The Black Tower" msgstr "Hrad v Tmavém Lese - Černá věž" #: data/levels/world2/worldmap.stwm:4 msgid "Forest World" msgstr "Lesní země" #: data/levels/world2/castle.stl:5 msgid "Iceberg Fortress" msgstr "Ledovcová pevnost" #: data/levels/world2/level1.stl:4 msgid "Roots, Woody Roots" msgstr "Kořeny, dřevité kořeny" #: data/levels/world2/level1.stl:379 #: data/levels/world2/level1.stl:384 #: data/levels/world2/level1.stl:389 #: data/levels/world2/level1.stl:394 #: data/levels/world2/level1.stl:453 msgid "You have found a secret area!" msgstr "Našel/našla jsi tajnou oblast!" #: data/levels/world2/level1.stl:396 msgid "" "-Hint:\n" "#If there seems to be\n" "#no way to reach a door,\n" "#remember that you might\n" "#be supposed to come out\n" "#of that door..." msgstr "" "-Tip:\n" "#Pokud nemůžeš najít\n" "#cestu k některým\n" "#dveřím, možná tudy\n" "#někdy vyjdeš..." #: data/levels/world2/level2.stl:4 msgid "Down The Rabbit Hole" msgstr "Dolů králičí norou" #: data/levels/world2/level2.stl:197 msgid "Drink me" msgstr "Vypij mne" #: data/levels/world2/level2.stl:224 msgid "" "-Oh no!\n" "#The path is blocked! It\n" "#seems that the only way\n" "#leads through that dark\n" "#hole in the ground..." msgstr "" "-A jéje!\n" "#Cesta je zatarasená!\n" "#Vypadá to, že jediná\n" "#cesta, která vede dál,\n" "#je touto dírou dolů..." #: data/levels/world2/level2.stl:248 msgid "Eat me" msgstr "Sněz mne" #: data/levels/world2/level2.stl:250 msgid "-Are you lost?" msgstr "-Ztratil ses?" #: data/levels/world2/level4.stl:4 msgid "Going Underground" msgstr "Do podzemí!" #: data/levels/world2/level5.stl:4 msgid "Green Hills" msgstr "Zelené pláně" #: data/levels/world2/level6.stl:4 msgid "No Name" msgstr "Beze jména" #: data/levels/world2/forest1-grumbel.stl:4 msgid "Forest Level 1" msgstr "Lesní úroveň 1" #: data/levels/world2/castledoor.stl:4 msgid "Find The Pay Phone" msgstr "Najdi telefonní budku" #: data/levels/world2/castledoor.stl:300 msgid "" "!images/objects/voicemail/voicemail.png\n" "#Hey Tux,\n" "#Some friends have \n" "#left you voicemail \n" "#messages with advice\n" "#to find Penny. So \n" "#don't forget to check\n" "#your voicemail and \n" "#good luck!\n" "\n" "#The SuperTux Team" msgstr "" "!images/objects/voicemail/voicemail.png\n" "#Ahoj Tuxi,\n" "#Pár přátel ti zanechalo\n" "#hlasové zprávy s radami\n" "#k osvobození Penny.\n" "#Nezapomeň je kontrolovat!\n" "#Hodně štěstí!\n" "\n" "#Tým SuperTux"