; Ending text (supertux-text (background "extro.jpg") (music "theme.mod") (show-after "CREDITS") (text (_ "-Entering Nolok's Throne Room! #Tux ran into Nolok's throne room, #frantically searching for his beloved. #Alas, he found neither Penny nor Nolok #there, but instead, another note. #\"Well done, Tux, well done. If you are #reading this, you have removed my #control over this icy fortress. But as #you can see, your beloved Penny is not #here. What you did not realize is that #this is just one of my many fortresses, #spread far across the lands! #\"Tux, your ambition is most honorable, #but futile nonetheless. With every #fortress you conquer of mine, I will #escape to another, and take Penny with #me. Do not be silly... it is best that #you give up now.\" #Tux was sadly leaving the room, when he #felt something beneath his foot... an #envelope, addressed to him! Inside was #a roughly sketched map with fortresses #drawn in various lands. On the corner #of the map was Penny's signature, a #drawing of the ice flower. #Tux ran out of the fortress, map in #hand. No, he decided, he would not give #up. Penny was counting on him.")) )