function intro() { SUPERTUX.set_action("stand-right"); Tux.deactivate(); Tux.set_visible(false); DisplayEffect.sixteen_to_nine(0); DisplayEffect.fade_in(2); wait(2); Text.set_text(translate("Tux and Penny were out having a\n nice picnic on the\nice fields of Antarctica.")); Text.fade_in(1); // TODO play some tux sounds... wait(1);"speech/tux_rap.ogg"); wait(5); Text.fade_out(1); wait(15); Text.set_text(translate("Then suddenly...")); Text.fade_in(1); // let's shake the bush... //"sounds/rustle.wav"); local bushx = BUSH.get_pos_x(); local bushy = BUSH.get_pos_y(); for(local i = 0; i < 20; ++i) { BUSH.set_pos(bushx + rand() % 6 - 3, bushy); wait(0.1); } Text.fade_out(1); // NOLOK jumps out of the bush wait(0.5); print("jump"); NOLOK.set_velocity(70, 600); wait(1) NOLOK.set_velocity(-120, 700); wait(2); // nolok casts his spell... NOLOK.set_action("throw"); // TODO we really need fade to white here and some thunder sound... DisplayEffect.fade_out(0.3); wait(0.3); DisplayEffect.fade_in(0); wait(0.3); DisplayEffect.fade_out(0.5); wait(0.5); DisplayEffect.fade_in(0); wait(0.4); DisplayEffect.fade_out(0.2); wait(2.5); NOLOK.set_visible(false); PENNY.set_visible(false); DisplayEffect.fade_in(1); wait(1); Text.set_text("Oh No!\nPenny has been captured"); Text.fade_in(1); wait(3); Text.fade_out(1); Text.set_text("Tux has to rescue her"); Text.fade_in(1); wait(5); // fade out DisplayEffect.fade_out(2); wait(2); Level.finish(); }