# Spanish translations for SuperTux # Copyright (C) 2006 Fernando Carmona # This file is distributed under the same license as the SuperTux package. # msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: SuperTux 0.3.0\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2008-02-10 14:15+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2007-02-26 21:20+0100\n" "Last-Translator: Martí \n" "Language-Team: Spanish \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" #: data/levels/world1/01 - Welcome to Antarctica.stl:3 msgid "Welcome to Antarctica" msgstr "Benvingut a Antàrtida" #: data/levels/world1/01 - Welcome to Antarctica.stl:32 msgid "" "-Bonus Blocks\n" "!images/objects/bonus_block/full-0.png\n" "#Bonus blocks can contain coins, power-ups or special items to help you in your quest.\n" "#\n" "#Hit them from below to get at their contents." msgstr "" #: data/levels/world1/01 - Welcome to Antarctica.stl:41 msgid "" "-Eggs\n" "!images/powerups/egg/egg.png\n" "#The egg makes Tux grow larger. Tux can then smash wooden blocks with his head." msgstr "" #: data/levels/world1/01 - Welcome to Antarctica.stl:48 msgid "" "-Checkpoints\n" "!images/objects/resetpoints/bell-m.png\n" "#Activate the checkpoint. As long as you have at least 25 coins left, you can retry the level from here." msgstr "" #: data/levels/world1/01 - Welcome to Antarctica.stl:55 msgid "" "-Running\n" "!images/tiles/signs/run.png\n" "#The path in front of you is blocked. Gain some speed before jumping to pass over the blocks." msgstr "" #: data/levels/world1/01 - Welcome to Antarctica.stl:62 msgid "" "-Fire Flower\n" "!images/powerups/fireflower/fire_flower-0.png\n" "#The fire flower gives Tux the ability to shoot fireballs." msgstr "" #: data/levels/world1/01 - Welcome to Antarctica.stl:69 msgid "" "-Tux Doll\n" "!images/powerups/1up/1up.png\n" "#The Tux doll gives Tux 100 coins." msgstr "" #: data/levels/world1/01 - Welcome to Antarctica.stl:76 msgid "" "-Secret Areas\n" "#Many levels contain secret areas behind what seems to be plain walls. Look for clues to find them." msgstr "" #: data/levels/world1/02 - The Journey Begins.stl:3 msgid "The Journey Begins" msgstr "L'Aventrua comença" #: data/levels/world1/03 - Via Nostalgica.stl:3 msgid "Via Nostalgica" msgstr "Via Nostàlgica" #: data/levels/world1/04 - Tobgle Road.stl:3 msgid "Tobgle Road" msgstr "Camí Tobgle" #: data/levels/world1/05 - The Somewhat Smaller Bath.stl:3 msgid "The Somewhat Smaller Bath" msgstr "El algun petit bany" #: data/levels/world1/06 - The Frosted Fields.stl:3 msgid "The Frosted Fields" msgstr "Els camps congelats" #: data/levels/world1/07 - Oh No More Snowballs.stl:3 msgid "Oh no! More Snowballs!" msgstr "Oh no! Més boles de neu!" #: data/levels/world1/08 - Stone Cold.stl:3 msgid "Stone Cold" msgstr "Pedra freda" #: data/levels/world1/09 - Grumbels Sense of Snow.stl:3 msgid "Grumbel's Sense of Snow" msgstr "El sentit nevat de Brumbel" #: data/levels/world1/10 - 23rd Airborne.stl:3 msgid "23rd Airborne" msgstr "23º Divisió Aeroespacial" #: data/levels/world1/11 - Night Chill.stl:3 msgid "Night Chill" msgstr "Calfred nocturn" #: data/levels/world1/12 - Into the Stars.stl:3 msgid "Into the Stars" msgstr "Entre les estrelles" #: data/levels/world1/13 - Above the Arctic Skies.stl:3 msgid "Above the Arctic Skies" msgstr "Sobre els cels àrtics" #: data/levels/world1/14 - Entrance to the Cave.stl:3 msgid "Entrance to the Cave" msgstr "Entrada a la Cova" #: data/levels/world1/15 - Under the Ice.stl:3 msgid "Under the Ice" msgstr "Sota el gel" #: data/levels/world1/16 - Living in a Fridge.stl:3 msgid "Living in a Fridge" msgstr "Vivint en un frigorífic" #: data/levels/world1/17 - Or is it just me.stl:3 msgid "'...or is it just me?'" msgstr "'¿...o és cosa meva?'" #: data/levels/world1/18 - Ice in the Hole.stl:3 msgid "Ice in the Hole" msgstr "Forat gelat" #: data/levels/world1/19 - Miyamoto Monument.stl:3 msgid "Miyamoto Monument" msgstr "Monument a Miyamoto" #: data/levels/world1/20 - End of the Tunnel.stl:3 msgid "End of the Tunnel" msgstr "Fi del túnel" #: data/levels/world1/21 - A Path in the Clouds.stl:3 msgid "A Path in the Clouds" msgstr "Un camí en els núvols" #: data/levels/world1/22 - A Mysterious House of Ice.stl:3 msgid "A Mysterious House of Ice" msgstr "Una misteriosa casa de gel" #: data/levels/world1/23 - The Escape.stl:3 msgid "The Escape" msgstr "L'Escapada" #: data/levels/world1/24 - The Shattered Bridge.stl:3 msgid "The Shattered Bridge" msgstr "El pont esmicolat" #: data/levels/world1/25 - Arctic Ruins.stl:3 msgid "Arctic Ruins" msgstr "Ruïnes Àrtiques" #: data/levels/world1/26 - The Castle of Nolok.stl:3 msgid "The Castle of Nolok" msgstr "El Castell de Nolok" #: data/levels/world1/27 - No More Mr Ice Guy.stl:3 msgid "No More Mr Ice Guy" msgstr "No més glassons" #: data/levels/world1/bonus.stl:3 msgid "Bonus Level" msgstr "" #: data/levels/world1/extro.txt:6 msgid "" "-Entering Nolok's Throne Room!\n" "\n" "#Tux ran into Nolok's throne room,\n" "#frantically searching for his beloved.\n" "#Alas, he found neither Penny nor Nolok\n" "#there, but instead, another note.\n" "\n" "#\"Well done, Tux, well done. If you are\n" "#reading this, you have removed my\n" "#control over this icy fortress. But as\n" "#you can see, your beloved Penny is not\n" "#here. What you did not realize is that\n" "#this is just one of my many fortresses,\n" "#spread far across the lands!\n" "\n" "#\"Tux, your ambition is most honorable,\n" "#but futile nonetheless. With every\n" "#fortress you conquer of mine, I will\n" "#escape to another, and take Penny with\n" "#me. Do not be silly... it is best that\n" "#you give up now.\"\n" "\n" "#Tux was sadly leaving the room, when he\n" "#felt something beneath his foot... an\n" "#envelope, addressed to him! Inside was\n" "#a roughly sketched map with fortresses\n" "#drawn in various lands. On the corner\n" "#of the map was Penny's signature, a\n" "#drawing of the ice flower.\n" "\n" "#Tux ran out of the fortress, map in\n" "#hand. No, he decided, he would not give\n" "#up. Penny was counting on him." msgstr "" "-Entrant a la sala del tro de Nolok!\n" "\n" "#Tux entrà a la sala del tro de Nolok,\n" "#buscant desesperadament a Penny.\n" "#Malauradament, no trobà a cap dels\n" "#dos allà, però en el seu lloc, trobà\n" "#una altra nota.\n" "\n" "#\"Ben fet Tux, ben fet. Si estàs\n" "#llegint això significarà que has pres el\n" "#control la fortalesa de gel. Pero com\n" "#pots veure, Penny no hi és aqúi. No\n" "#sabíes que aquesta és només una de moltes\n" "#fortaleses? Estàn disperses per cadascun\n" "#dels racons d'aquestes terres!\n" "\n" "#\"Tux,el teu objectiu és més que honorable,\n" "#però inútil no obstant. Amb cada fortalesa\n" "#que puguis abastar, tindré una altra a la\n" "#que escapar, i m'emportaré a Penny amb\n" "# mi. No siguis tonto, és millor que abandonis\n" "#ara.\"\n" "\n" "#Tux es dirigia amb ristesa a sortir de l'ha-\n" "#bitació quan sentí sota el seus peus\n" "#...un sobre, dirigit a ell! Dins trobà\n" "#mal dibuixat en un mapa fortaleses\n" "#en varios regnats. En una cantonada\n" "#estava la firma de Penny, un dibuix de la\n" "#flor de gel.\n" "\n" "#Tux sortí correns de la fortalesa, mapa a la\n" "#mà. No, pensà, no abandonaré, Penny, pots\n" "#contar amb mi." #: data/levels/world1/intro.stl:3 msgid "Picnic With Penny" msgstr "Pícnic amb Penny" #: data/levels/world1/intro.txt:5 msgid "" "-Penny gets captured!\n" "\n" "#Tux and Penny were out having a nice\n" "#picnic on the ice fields of Antarctica.\n" "#Suddenly, a creature jumped from\n" "#behind an ice bush, there was a flash,\n" "#and Tux fell asleep!\n" "\n" "#When Tux wakes up, he finds that Penny\n" "#is missing. Where she lay before now\n" "#lies a letter. \"Tux, my arch enemy!\"\n" "#says the letter. \"I have captured\n" "#your beautiful Penny and have taken her\n" "#to my fortress. The path to my fortress\n" "#is littered with my minions. Give up on\n" "#the thought of trying to reclaim her,\n" "#you haven't a chance! -Nolok\"\n" "\n" "#Tux looks and see Nolok's fortress in\n" "#the distance. Determined to save his\n" "#beloved Penny, he begins his journey." msgstr "" "-Penny és capturada!\n" "\n" "#Tux y Penny estaven disfrutant d'un\n" "#pícnic sobre el camp nevat d'Antpartida.\n" "#De sobte, una criatura saltà entre els\n" "#arbustos de gel i tot es tornà fosc,\n" "#i Tux caigué adormit!\n" "\n" "#Quan Tux desperta, descobreix que Penny\n" "#no hi és. On ella jeia ara hi ha\n" "#una carta. \"Tux, enemic meu!\"\n" "#diu la carta. \"He capturat a la bella\n" "#Penny i l'he portat a la meva fortalesa. El\n" "#camí fins allà està vigilat per els meus\n" "#minyons. Ja pots anar oblidant el\n" "#intentar recuperar-la, no tens cap\n" "#oportunitat! -Nolok\"\n" "\n" "#Tux aixeca el cap i veu la fortalesa\n" "# de Nolok en la distància. Decidit a\n" "#salvar-la, comença el seu viatge." #: data/levels/world1/worldmap.stwm:3 msgid "Icyisland" msgstr "Illa gelada" #: data/levels/world1/worldmap.stwm:14 msgid "You found a secret area!" msgstr "Has trobat una àrea secreta!" #~ msgid "" #~ "-Items:\n" #~ "!images/powerups/egg/egg.png\n" #~ "#The egg makes Tux grow larger.\n" #~ "#\n" #~ "!images/powerups/fireflower/fire_flower-0.png\n" #~ "#The fire flower gives Tux the ability to shoot fireballs.\n" #~ "#\n" #~ "!images/objects/coin/coin-0.png\n" #~ "#You should collect as many coins as possible. It costs you 25 coins to restart a level at a firefly.\n" #~ "#\n" #~ "!images/powerups/1up/1up.png\n" #~ "#The penguin gives Tux 100 coins.\n" #~ "#\n" #~ "!images/objects/bonus_block/full-0.png\n" #~ "#Bonus blocks can contain not only coins, eggs and fire flowers but also special items to help you in your quest." #~ msgstr "" #~ "-Items:\n" #~ "!images/powerups/egg/egg.png\n" #~ "#L'ou fa crèixer al Tux.\n" #~ "#\n" #~ "!images/powerups/fireflower/fire_flower-0.png\n" #~ "#La flor proporciona la habitlitat al Tux de tirar boles de foc.\n" #~ "#\n" #~ "!images/objects/coin/coin-0.png\n" #~ "#Has d'aconseguir tantes monedes com puguis. Et costarà 25 monedes tornar a començar un nivell des de la cuca.\n" #~ "#\n" #~ "!images/powerups/1up/1up.png\n" #~ "#El pingüí dóna 100 monedes al Tux.\n" #~ "#\n" #~ "!images/objects/bonus_block/full-0.png\n" #~ "#Els blocs de bonus no només poden contenir monedes, ous i flors, sino també items especials que t'ajudaran en l'aventura." #~ msgid "" #~ "!images/tiles/signs/run.png\n" #~ "#The path in front of you is blocked. You'll have to run before jumping over the blocks.\n" #~ "#\n" #~ "#Use your Run key (configurable in the menu) to gain speed." #~ msgstr "" #~ "!images/tiles/signs/run.png\n" #~ "#El camí devant teu està bloquejat. Hauras de córrer abans de saltar les roques.\n" #~ "#\n" #~ "#Mentre et mous, mantingues presionada la tecla 'Acció' (configurable en el menu) per a guanyar velocitat." #~ msgid "" #~ "-Information blocks:\n" #~ "!images/objects/bonus_block/info_block.png\n" #~ "#Information blocks often contain useful tips.\n" #~ "#\n" #~ "#As you have already found out, they can be activated by hitting them from the bottom.\n" #~ "#\n" #~ "#Most blocks are activated this way." #~ msgstr "" #~ "-Blocs informatius:\n" #~ "!images/objects/bonus_block/info_block.png\n" #~ "#Els blocs informatius solen contenir pistes útils.\n" #~ "#\n" #~ "#Com has vist, poden ser activats colpejant-los per sota.\n" #~ "#\n" #~ "#La majoría dels blocs també s'activen així." #~ msgid "" #~ "-Fireflies:\n" #~ "!images/objects/firefly/firefly1.png\n" #~ "#Activate the firefly and as long as you have coins left, you will restart under it if you die." #~ msgstr "" #~ "-Cuques:\n" #~ "!images/objects/firefly/firefly1.png\n" #~ "#Si actives la cuca, mentre tinguis suficients monedes, si mors podràs recomençar dota seu."