- World Map editing for SuperTux - http://super-tux.sf.net/ Last update: August 26, 2004 This document describes how to edit a world map. = EDITING WORLDMAP TILES = To edit a World Map, please use FlexLay. Thought it might have problems with the editing of level and special tiles, since it isn't sync with CVS. = AVAILABLE SPECIAL TILES = This are the available special tiles (even if 0_1_1 branch has some of them, they will most likely have different names or used in another way): ; This is a comment! (special-tile ; X and Y position [NECESSARY] (x 10) (y 14) ; If this is a level: (level "file_name.stl") ; Flip the level vertically [NEEDS: level] - default: false (vertical-flip #t) ; Stop auto-walking - default: false (auto-path #f) ; Add a message tile. You can also use this together with a teleporter. (map-message "Hello World!" ; Instead of showing a fix message, show while the player ; passes by [NEEDS: map-message]- default: false (passive-message #t) ; Apply action only in this/these direction(s) [WORKS FOR: passive-message] - ; default: true for all - possible values: north/south/east/west. More than one can ; be used with a separator or not (apply-to-direction "north-east") ; Add a teleporter tile to (teleport-to-x 20) (teleport-to-y 13) ; Don't show this tile [WORKS FOR: level, teleporter, map-message] (invisible-tile #t) ; Show this text file after completing this level [NEEDS: level] (extro-filename "filename") ; Go to this world after completing this level [NEEDS: level] (next-world "worldmap.stwt) ; Exit world map after completing this level [NEEDS: level] (exit-game #t) ) ; end of special-tile - SuperTux developers