- To do for Milestone2 - http://super-tux.sf.net/ High priority: milestone goals that should be implemented for next milestone Medium priority: would be nice to have for next milestone, but should be secondary to high priority goals Low priority: things that should be fixed sometime ?: Things that need to be discussed to determine whether or not they should be implemented Todo ---- H: high priority M: medium priority L: low priority ?: bug or feature? - needs discussion --Scons-- * [H] Add an install target * [H] Generate the config.h file * [M] improve opengl check to work on win32 and eventually more strange systems again * [H] Make sure compilation on win32 and cross-compilation works * [M] compile some test executables to test for SDL, SDL_mixer and SDL_image. Also test for version of SDL_mixer and SDL_image * [M] Create a distclean target * [M] Create a dist target * [M] Add instructions to the README * [L] If all of the [H] and [M] issues are fixed, remove autoconf/automake * [L] Take a look if it is possible to make it a bit more quiet. (Similar to linux kernel, samba or jam output would be optimum, ie. C++ build/linux/src/bla.o C++ build/linux/src/blup.o C++ build/linux/src/error.o Error on line xx in error.o: This source contained an error g++ -Wall .... -o build/linux/src/error.o src/error.cpp --Miscelaneous-- [?] Default keyboard setup should change. Up will be needed for other features like going through doors and looking up, etc. Up arrow - Look up / activate Down arrow - Look down / duck Left arrow - Left move Right arrow - Right move Ctrl - Run / Power Space - Jump [H] Worldmap should have a flag to allow to go to another map after finishing a level from that one. It might be cool to have a (place group in the worldmap file that would allow such stuff as: levels, messages, wrapping and worldmap changing (or even combinations). [H] Change resolution to 800x600 - Levels need to be updated to resolution - half of the levels have been already updated - some fixed levels still have "glitches". See the menu level where some of the tiles are "wrong" and don't fit [H] Buttjump related things - Should kill enemies with a certain range - Done--now needs to be tweaked - Animation (need images) - Should be a powerup item (still to be discussed) - Should break bricks if Tux is on top of bricks, otherwise it should kill enemies within a close range. - After enemy-kill is used, powerup should be removed from Tux [H] Icebullet related things - we should decide on specifics [H] Tux should fall while walking in tiles that have a space between. - Possible solution: reduce Tux's width when checking collision with tiles [H] Graphics - New forest tileset - Badguy sprites - Tux's buttjump animation [H] Background code have the following bugs: - Gradient in software rendering doesn't currently work (at least here). - Images tiling code sucks resulting in glitches and unecessary drawings. Matze: can you give more details? The code looks perfectly fine to me [M] There are some weird graphical glitches when Tux bumps more than one block at the same time [M] Save score on per-level basis to make high-score [M] Save time on per-level basis to make low-time-score [M] Add bonus score for extra time left when finishing a level [M] when bumping a special with 2 blocks at once, it won't change direction [M] tux get killed if he kicks a iceblock while at the same time bouncing on [M] You shouldn't be able to stand on invisible blocks, before you bumped them the roof [M] Implement Unisolid type for tiles (where collisions from below are ignored). - done [M] Menu doesn't jump titles, and doesn't seem to like having menu entries created after initialization. Matze: what does "menu doesn't jump titles" mean? [L] Allow any object to be inside of a [?] box, ie. trampoline or badguy - Not sure if this would be gameplay wise. [L] in the "Welcome to Antarctica" level, the blocks next to the first growup look like there are 2 blocks above each other when bumping against them as small tux... [L] time runs while being in in-game menu, at least a bit (jump, go to menu, wait a bit, leave menu, Tux will 'flip' to the ground, instead of fall, pause mode doesn't seem to have this problem, only menu) [L] catch exceptions thrown by lispreader Beyond Milestone2 ----------------- - More things than just levels on the worldmap (similar to SMB3)