This document describes both the level format and the level editor. = LEVEL FORMAT = HEAD: -------- 1. Name of the level. 2. The theme of the level. The game will look in "supertuxdir/data/images/theme" 3. The time you have to finish the level. 4. Defines the music file, which should be played. 5,6,7. RGB values for the background of the level. 8. Defines the level's length. Example: ---------- Antarctica antarctica 240 128 192 255 375 MAIN: ------- Levels are created with the following characters: (15 lines and as many columns as defined in the seventh line of the levelfile) X/x <- Brick0 Y/y <- Brick1 A/B/! <- Box full a <- Box empty C-F <- Cloud0 c-f <- Cloud1 G-J <- Bkgd0 g-j <- Bkgd1 # <- Solid0 [ <- Solid1 = <- Solid2 ] <- Solid3 $ <- Distro ^ <- Waves * <- Poletop | <- Pole \ <- Flag & <- Water Bad guys: 0 <- BluescreenOfDeath 1 <- Laptop 2 <- Money = BUILT-IN LEVEL EDITOR = //FIXME: Check if all the informations are still valid, when releasing 0.0.6. USING THE BUILT-IN LEVEL EDITOR: -------------------------------- The built-in level editor can already be used for production, but more advances are expected in the future, including a mouse driven interface. When opening the leveleditor, a menu will appear. This menu can be used to add, edit, load, save and test levels. Menu entries: - Return to Level Editor - just closes the menu and goes to the editing mode. To come back to the menu, press Esc. - New Level - creates a new level. The number of the level is showed in the upper left part of the screen. The level file are currently placed on data/levels/default. - Test Level - if you want to test the current level, use this option. - Level Settings - this allows you to edit the header of the file (as described in the beggining of this document). An important field is the 'Level width' that allows you to adjust level's size. (Warning: there are some characters that do not work, cause they are not supported by the fonts) - Load Level - goes to a given level number. - Save Level - saves the current level. - Quit Level Editor - goes back to SuperTux's main menu. Editing mode: To edit the level, you'll have to use the mouse or the keyboard to control the red cursor, using the keyboard to change tiles. Tiles keys are the same used by the level format, listed above. You can check them in the fly, pressing F1. I'd suggest you to print the above list of keys. In the future, a mouse interface will be introduced. To go back to the menu, just press Esc. Now, do lots of levels and HAVE FUN!! Please, send your levels or any art you created to the SuperTux's mailinglist or to the maintainer (look at AUTHORS.txt). SuperTux developers