#!/usr/bin/perl ########################################################################## # onis 0.8.0 2005-04-17 # #---=============--------------------------------------------------------# # Language: Perl # # Purpose: Generating statistics # # Input: IRC-Logfiles # # Output: One HTML file # # Version: 0.8.0 (unstable) # # License: GPL # # Homepage: http://verplant.org/onis/ # # Authors: Florian octo Forster # # Contributions are listed in THANKS # ########################################################################## BEGIN { if ($0 =~ m#^(.*)[/\\]#) { chdir ($1); } unshift (@INC, 'lib'); # 0x0010 Language (make not-translated lines red/yellow) # 0x0020 Parser (dropped lines) # 0x0040 Parser (time information) # 0x0100 Data::Core (host unsharp) # 0x0200 Data::Persistent # 0x0400 Data::Core (dump incoming data to stderr) # 0x0800 Data::Core (initializing) # 0x1000 Onis::Users $::DEBUG = 0x0000; } use strict; use warnings; use Onis::Config qw/get_config parse_argv read_config/; use File::Basename qw/dirname/; use Fcntl qw/:flock/; use vars qw/$VERSION $REVISION/; $VERSION = '0.8.0'; $REVISION = '$LastChangedRevision$'; if (!$VERSION) { $VERSION = $REVISION; $VERSION =~ s/^\D*(\d+).*/r$1/; } our $FileInfo; our $PurgeLogs = 0; print STDERR $/, __FILE__, ': $Id$' if ($::DEBUG); parse_argv (@ARGV); read_config (get_config ('config') ? get_config ('config') : 'onis.conf'); read_config (scalar get_config ('theme')) if (get_config ('theme')); my $output = get_config ('output'); if (!$output) { $output = "reports/onis.html"; } foreach ('Core', get_config ('plugin')) { my $module = ucfirst (lc ($_)); require "Onis/Plugins/$module.pm"; } if (!get_config ('input')) { # TODO: Make a complete (!) lsit.. print STDERR < [logfile logfile ..] Options: --config Specify alternate config file --output Defines the file to write the HTML to. --overwrite Overwrites files without prompting. --channel Defines the channel's name. --logtype Defines the logfile's type. See 'config' for a complete list. --user Define's the generator's name. For a full list of all options please read the ``config'' file. EOF exit (1); } if (-e $output) { my $overwrite = 0; if (get_config ('overwrite')) { my $tmp = lc (get_config ('overwrite')); if ($tmp eq 'true' or $tmp eq 'yes' or $tmp eq 'on') { $overwrite = 1; } } if (!$overwrite) { print STDERR <; exit (1) if ($answer =~ m/n/i); } } my $logtype = 'Eggdrop'; if (get_config ('logtype')) { $logtype = ucfirst (lc (get_config ('logtype'))); } require "Onis/Parser/$logtype.pm"; require Onis::Parser::Persistent; require Onis::Data::Persistent; import Onis::Parser (qw(parse last_date)); import Onis::Parser::Persistent (qw(newfile)); import Onis::Data::Persistent (); $FileInfo = Onis::Data::Persistent->new ('FileInfo', 'inode', qw(mtime)); if (get_config ('purge_logs')) { my $temp = lc (get_config ('purge_logs')); if (($temp eq 'truncate') or ($temp eq 'shorten')) { $PurgeLogs = 1; } elsif (($temp eq 'delete') or ($temp eq 'remove') or ($temp eq 'del')) { $PurgeLogs = 2; } } for (get_config ('input')) { my $file = $_; my $logfile; my $status = 4; my $position = 0; my $mtime; my $size; my $inode; ($inode, $size, $mtime) = (stat ($file))[1,7,9]; print STDERR $/, $/, __FILE__, " --- New File ``$file'' ---" if ($::DEBUG & 0x200); if (!defined ($mtime)) { print STDERR $/, __FILE__, ": Unable to stat file ``$file''"; next; } else { my ($old_mtime) = $FileInfo->get ($inode); print STDERR $/, __FILE__, ": ``$file'': " if ($::DEBUG & 0x200); if (defined ($old_mtime)) { if ($old_mtime == $mtime) { print STDERR "File did not change. Skipping." if ($::DEBUG & 0x200); next; } elsif ($old_mtime < $mtime) { print STDERR "File changed. Reading it again." if ($::DEBUG & 0x200); } else { print STDERR "File ``$file'' is older than expected. There might be a problem!"; } } else { print STDERR "File appears to be new. Reading it." if ($::DEBUG & 0x200); } $FileInfo->put ($inode, $mtime); } # truncate if ($PurgeLogs == 1) { unless (open ($logfile, '+< ' . $file)) { print STDERR $/, __FILE__, ": Unable to open file ``$file'': $!"; next; } } else { unless (open ($logfile, '< ' . $file)) { print STDERR $/, __FILE__, ": Unable to open file ``$file'': $!"; next; } } if ($PurgeLogs) { unless (flock ($logfile, LOCK_EX)) { print STDERR $/, __FILE__, ": Unable to get an exclusive lock for file ``$file'': $!"; close ($logfile); next; } } else { unless (flock ($logfile, LOCK_SH)) { print STDERR $/, __FILE__, ": Unable to get a shared lock for file ``$file'': $!"; close ($logfile); next; } } newfile ($FileInfo->{$inode}); while (<$logfile>) { s/\n|\r//g; $status = parse ($_); # 0 == rewind file # 1 == line parsed # 2 == unable to parse # 3 == line old # 4 == don't have date if ($status == 0) { print STDERR $/, __FILE__, ": Rewinding file ``$file''" if ($::DEBUG & 0x200); seek ($logfile, 0, 0); $position = 0; } elsif (($status == 1) or ($status == 2) or ($status == 3)) { $position = tell ($logfile); } elsif ($status == 4) { # void } else { print STDERR $/, __FILE__, ": Parser returned unknown status code: ``$status''"; } } if ($PurgeLogs and (($status == 1) or ($status == 2) or ($status == 3))) { if (($PurgeLogs > 1) #and (($position + 1) >= $size) ) { # delete file print STDERR $/, __FILE__, ": Deleting empty file ``$file''" if ($::DEBUG & 0x200); close ($logfile); if (-w $file) { unless (unlink ($file)) { print STDERR $/, __FILE__, ": Unable to delete empty file ``$file'': $!"; } delete ($FileInfo->{$inode}); } else { print STDERR $/, __FILE__, ": Won't delete ``$file''. Set it to writeable first!"; } } else { seek ($logfile, 0, 0); if (truncate ($logfile, 0)) { print $logfile &last_date (); print STDERR $/, __FILE__, ": Truncated ``$file''" if ($::DEBUG & 0x200); } else { print STDERR $/, __FILE__, ": Couldn't truncate file ``$file'': $!"; } close ($logfile); } } else { close ($logfile); } } require Onis::Data::Core; require Onis::Html; import Onis::Data::Core qw#print_output#; import Onis::Html qw#open_file close_file#; if (open_file ($output)) { print_output (); close_file (); } else { # Fail and make noise! ;) print STDERR <