#!/usr/bin/perl # Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Florian Forster # Copyright (C) 2011 noris network AG # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation; only version 2 of the License is applicable. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more # details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with # this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # Authors: # Florian "octo" Forster use strict; use warnings; use utf8; use vars (qw($BASE_DIR)); BEGIN { if (defined $ENV{'SCRIPT_FILENAME'}) { if ($ENV{'SCRIPT_FILENAME'} =~ m{^(/.+)/bin/[^/]+$}) { $BASE_DIR = $1; unshift (@INC, "$BASE_DIR/lib"); } } } use Carp (qw(confess cluck)); use CGI (':cgi'); use RRDs (); use File::Temp (':POSIX'); use Collectd::Graph::Config (qw(gc_read_config gc_get_scalar)); use Collectd::Graph::TypeLoader (qw(tl_load_type)); use Collectd::Graph::Common (qw(sanitize_type get_selected_files epoch_to_rfc1123 flush_files)); use Collectd::Graph::Type (); $::MODPERL = 1; my $have_init = 0; sub init { if ($have_init) { return; } #gc_read_config ("$RealBin/../etc/collection.conf"); gc_read_config ("$BASE_DIR/etc/collection.conf"); $have_init = 1; } sub main { my $Begin = param ('begin'); my $End = param ('end'); my $GraphWidth = param ('width'); my $GraphHeight = param ('height'); my $Index = param ('index') || 0; my $OutputFormat = 'PNG'; my $ContentType = 'image/png'; if (param ('format')) { my $temp = param ('format') || ''; $temp = uc ($temp); if ($temp =~ m/^(PNG|SVG|EPS|PDF)$/) { $OutputFormat = $temp; if ($OutputFormat eq 'SVG') { $ContentType = 'image/svg+xml'; } elsif ($OutputFormat eq 'EPS') { $ContentType = 'image/eps'; } elsif ($OutputFormat eq 'PDF') { $ContentType = 'application/pdf'; } } } if (param ('debug')) { print < 0) && ($Begin > $End)) { my $temp = $End; $End = $Begin; $Begin = $temp; } } my $type = param ('type') or die; my $obj; $obj = tl_load_type ($type); if (!$obj) { confess ("tl_load_type ($type) failed"); } $type = ucfirst (lc ($type)); $type =~ s/_([A-Za-z])/\U$1\E/g; $type = sanitize_type ($type); my $files = get_selected_files (); if (param ('debug')) { require Data::Dumper; print Data::Dumper->Dump ([$files], ['files']); } for (@$files) { $obj->addFiles ($_); } my $expires = time (); # IF (End is `now') # OR (Begin is before `now' AND End is after `now') if (($End == 0) || (($Begin <= $expires) && ($End >= $expires))) { # 400 == width in pixels my $timespan; if ($End == 0) { $timespan = $expires - $Begin; } else { $timespan = $End - $Begin; } $expires += int ($timespan / 400.0); } # IF (End is not `now') # AND (End is before `now') # ==> Graph will never change again! elsif (($End > 0) && ($End < $expires)) { $expires += (366 * 86400); } elsif ($Begin > $expires) { $expires = $Begin; } # Send FLUSH command to the daemon if necessary and possible. flush_files ($files, begin => $Begin, end => $End, addr => gc_get_scalar ('UnixSockAddr', undef), interval => gc_get_scalar ('Interval', 10)); print header (-Content_type => $ContentType, -Last_Modified => epoch_to_rfc1123 ($obj->getLastModified ()), -Expires => epoch_to_rfc1123 ($expires)); if (param ('debug')) { print "\$expires = $expires;\n"; } my $args = $obj->getRRDArgs (0 + $Index); if (param ('debug')) { require Data::Dumper; print Data::Dumper->Dump ([$obj], ['obj']); print join (",\n", @$args) . "\n"; print "Last-Modified: " . epoch_to_rfc1123 ($obj->getLastModified ()) . "\n"; } else { my @timesel = (); my $tmpfile = tmpnam (); my $status; if ($End) # $Begin is always true { @timesel = ('-s', $Begin, '-e', $End); } else { @timesel = ('-s', $Begin); # End is implicitely `now'. } if (-S "/var/run/rrdcached.sock" && -w "/var/run/rrdcached.sock") { $ENV{"RRDCACHED_ADDRESS"} = "/var/run/rrdcached.sock"; } unlink ($tmpfile); RRDs::graph ($tmpfile, '-a', $OutputFormat, '--width', $GraphWidth, '--height', $GraphHeight, @timesel, @$args); if (my $err = RRDs::error ()) { print STDERR "RRDs::graph failed: $err\n"; exit (1); } $status = open (IMG, '<', $tmpfile) or die ("open ($tmpfile): $!"); if (!$status) { print STDERR "graph.cgi: Unable to open temporary file \"$tmpfile\" for reading: $!\n"; } else { local $/ = undef; while (my $data = ) { print STDOUT $data; } close (IMG); unlink ($tmpfile); } } } # sub main main (); # vim: set shiftwidth=2 softtabstop=2 tabstop=8 :