Minor bugfix: [23:23] <@[charly]> nur doof wenn's 'nen nick namens "ich" gibt, mit dem reden dann alle am meisten ;) [23:24] <@octo> [charly]: Hm, und der hat auch 100 Zeilen geschrieben? [23:24] <@[charly]> mom [23:29] <@[charly]> w?rd sagen 3 zeilen - have config option to set min-lines for plugins - the config reader could generate a warning if you have a newline before a semicolon on a non-whitespace line? - remove the elements from the bar where there is 0 activity - for example, the bar on the number of lines... - Finally, the other thing I think would be useful would be to exagerate the bottom bar on the main table; its too small to see when the user is on at the moment... so perhaps take a maximum (looks like the max is 100px?) and minimum width (perhaps 50px?) for the bottom bar and then have the bars for everyone inbetween scaled into this range? - Another thing that would be useful is a config option for some HTML that is put at the top of each stats page; so you can have links to other pages and other things Next few steps: - Maybe use locales for m/\w/ and the like - Dump to *SQL - Write Apache-Style config parser