intel_rdt plugin: fix compiler warnings
[collectd.git] / .travis.yml
1 # Travis CI configuration file
2 #
3 language: c
5 env:
6   global:
7     - MAKEFLAGS="-j 2"
8     # The next declaration is the encrypted COVERITY_SCAN_TOKEN, created
9     # via the "travis encrypt" command using the project repo's public key
10     - secure: "ZdWWp0XX3C4sLIp4lqeQTWC7vt+GsWjmyRiD17T9833NBAW4dddz310I6iyeXe6oX09ZFFiVIN4ogx9ANcNBx9jriGXI2/82nBhpxOJBebet8JCNS5VeTr4rDSfQOKP+Oc+ko5KbbghTuAtO2CFYiH3jZUcn4TdsYbVanf+TwUs="
12 matrix:
13   include:
14     - os: osx
15       osx_image: xcode10.1
16       compiler: clang
17       env:
18         - CXX=clang++
19         - PATH="/usr/local/opt/mysql-client/bin:$PATH"
20     - os: linux
21       dist: xenial
22       compiler: clang
23     - os: linux
24       dist: xenial
25       compiler: gcc
27 before_install:
28   # When building the coverity_scan branch, allow only the first job to continue to avoid travis-ci/travis-ci#1975.
29   - if [[ "${TRAVIS_BRANCH}" == "coverity_scan" && ! "${TRAVIS_JOB_NUMBER}" =~ \.1$ ]]; then exit 0; fi
31 before_script: autoreconf -vif
33 script:
34   - if [[ "${TRAVIS_BRANCH}" == "coverity_scan" ]]; then exit 0; fi
35   - ./configure
36   - make distcheck DISTCHECK_CONFIGURE_FLAGS="--disable-dependency-tracking --enable-debug"
38 addons:
39   apt:
40     packages:
41     - autotools-dev
42     - iptables-dev
43     - libatasmart-dev
44     - libcap-dev
45     - libcurl4-gnutls-dev
46     - libdbi0-dev
47     - libesmtp-dev
48     - libganglia1-dev
49     - libgcrypt11-dev
50     - libglib2.0-dev
51     - libgps-dev
52     - libhiredis-dev
53     - libi2c-dev
54     - libldap2-dev
55     - libltdl-dev
56     - liblua50-dev
57     - liblua5.1-0-dev
58     - liblua5.2-dev
59     - liblvm2-dev
60     - libmemcached-dev
61     - libmicrohttpd-dev
62     - libmnl-dev
63     - libmodbus-dev
64     - libmosquitto-dev
65     - libmysqlclient-dev
66     - libnotify-dev
67     - libopenipmi-dev
68     - liboping-dev
69     - libow-dev
70     - libpcap-dev
71     - libperl-dev
72     - libpq-dev
73     - libprotobuf-c0-dev
74     - librabbitmq-dev
75     - librdkafka-dev
76     - libriemann-client-dev
77     - librrd-dev
78     - libsensors4-dev
79     - libsigrok-dev
80     - libsnmp-dev
81     - libstatgrab-dev
82     - libtokyocabinet-dev
83     - libtokyotyrant-dev
84     - libudev-dev
85     - libupsclient-dev
86     - libvarnish-dev
87     - libvirt-dev
88     - libxen-dev
89     - libxml2-dev
90     - libyajl-dev
91     - linux-libc-dev
92     - perl
93     - protobuf-c-compiler
94     - python3-dev
95     - python-dev
96     - xfslibs-dev
97   coverity_scan:
98     project:
99       name: "collectd/collectd"
100       description: "Build submitted via Travis CI"
101     notification_email:
102     build_command_prepend: "./configure; make clean"
103     build_command: "make -j $(nproc)"
104     branch_pattern: coverity_scan
105   homebrew:
106     packages:
107     - curl
108     - glib
109     - hiredis
110     - libdbi
111     - libmemcached
112     - libmicrohttpd
113     - libmodbus
114     - libnotify
115     - liboping
116     - libpcap
117     - librdkafka
118     - libstatgrab
119     - libvirt
120     - lua
121     - mosquitto
122     - mysql-client
123     - net-snmp
124     - openldap
125     - perl
126     - protobuf
127     - protobuf-c
128     - python
129     - qpid-proton
130     - rabbitmq-c
131     - riemann-client
132     - rrdtool
133     - tokyo-cabinet
134     - varnish
135     - yajl
137 git:
138   quiet: true
139   submodules: false
140   depth: 1